A Penny For Your Thoughts
  It's almost 2011 and many of you still don't know about Paypal paid surveys. Well, most of you may know about them, so I take that back. I should state it like this: Many of you don't know “how much money” you can get with them when compared to simply taking a check from a website. Now do I have your attention?

I sure hope so, because little did you know that you can get quite a bit more cash when strictly doing Paypal paid surveys, rather than the traditional, old fashioned sites that offer only checks delivered to your mail box.

A portion of you may not believe what I'm saying, but let me spell out two quick tips, which are painfully easy to understand. The first tip is about the costs associated with the kind of website that is giving you checks via the mail system.

When a websites decides to pay everyone through Pay Pal, they know that everything is streamlines. On top of not having nearly as much overhead costs, they also don't need to worry about human mistakes. Also, there are no lost checks in the mail! I remember when I got dozens of checks from the various survey websites I was a part of, and every single month at least one of the checks would never show up.

I would then have to wait two more weeks for them to send another one out. That's not very fun when you need the money. Paypal paid surveys are instant, so the second the websites send out payments, that's exactly when you get paid. You can then turn around and put digitally put it right into your personal bank account, or spend it online.

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